During the last years, the wild nature in Greece and the wider southern Balkan area is being destroyed at an unprecedented pace. The mountain tops are being blown away with explosives or leveled with bulldozers; the forests are being cut; thousands of tons of cement and chemicals pollute the wildest parts of its nature; its rivers and small gorges are being dammed, the communities lose access to the water, the trees and animals are being given as a gift to the “green entrepreneurs” who take all the water rights of use. All part of the European Union green policies: to install tens of thousands of wind turbines and small hydroelectric plants, in the most pristine parts of the natural world.
Under the guise of ecological sensitivities and —as is the rule in the post-pandemic era— dictated by a state of emergency (this time, the climate one), the terrible twins of destruction/privatization are consuming the whole of the natural world. Our forests and rivers are turned into batteries.

The people of Grammos Mountain fight against the green plans for the installation of 30 small hydroelectric dams in their mountain; for their right to fresh water and for the right of the water to flow free.
The soundtrack of this video is part of a cover version we are currently working on; “Liberation of Spring” by Elugelab Survivors. 


Millions of Dead Tourists “Υγιείς” (Healthy) album
Released April 2023



Δελτια Ρυπου


Η  τελευταία μου —τραυματική— εμπειρία με τα συγκεκριμένα υποκείμενα χρονολογείται από τον καιρό του παλαιού κόσμου [1], προ πανδημίας. Είχα τότε ορκιστεί πως επρόκειτο για την οριστικά τελευταία επαφή μαζί τους. Αλλά αυτά παθαίνει κανείς όταν δεν πιστεύει σε τίποτε και πουθενά, δε φτουράνε οι όρκοι του, ούτε στον ίδιο του τον εαυτό. Επιπροσθέτως, το κρεσέντο βλακείας, κακίας και κακού γούστου των τελευταίων τριών ετών με είχε κάνει να αναθεωρήσω, προς τα κάτω φυσικά, την ήδη χαμηλή εκτιμησή μου για το ανθρώπινο είδος. Η ανθρώπινη νόηση είναι επιρρεπής σε συγκρίσεις, πρόσφατες εμπειρίες και φτηνά τρικ αυτο-εξαπάτησης, κάτι που περιγράφεται εξαιρετικά στην ιστορία του χότζα με τον χωριάτη με το πολύ μικρό σπίτι [2].

Μ΄άλλα λόγια, έχοντας κάποιος βιώσει την απόλυτη φρίκη φίλων και συνδαιτημόνων, καλλιεργημένων και καθωσπρέπει που έσπευσαν να βγάλουν σέλφι με το φρεσκοτρυπημένο μπράτσο τους, έχοντας βομβαρδιστεί απο έναν οχετό ανοησίας, φιλοτομαρισμού και ψυχοπαθολογικής υποχονδρίασης από —πρώην— συγκάτοικους, συνεργάτες και συντρόφους, τείνει να βλέπει με πιο ανεκτική ματιά ακόμα και ειδεχθώς άξεστα, ακαλλιέργητα και άπληστα υποκείμενα σαν του λόγου τους. Να μια άβολη παρατήρηση των τελευταίων τριων ετών: οι εκτός, οι τρελομαλάκες, οι φευγάτοι, οι αμόρφωτοι, οι οπισθοδρομικοί, οι λούμπεν, οι άξεστοι αποδείχθηκαν πολύ πιο αξιοπρεπείς και λογικοί από τους καλλιεργημένους, τους ευαισθητοποιημένους, τους προοδευτικούς, τους ορθολογιστές και τους ενσυναισθηματίες. Οι οποίοι προοδευτικοί σε κοιτάνε πλέον με απορία όταν αναφέρεσαι στα τελευταία τρία χρόνια, στο στυλ “σιγά το πράγμα, με τι κάθεσαι και ασχολείσαι τώρα”. Αποδέχτηκαν απόλυτα πως η απειλή που βιώνουμε είναι τόσο τεραστιαίων διαστάσεων που αξίζει να θυσιάσουμε την ελευθερία, την υγεία και το καλό γούστο, αλλά τώρα κάνουν σα να μην ήταν τίποτε, εντάξει μωρέ μια μαλακία ήταν, πάει πέρασε.

Healthy LP/CD


Millions of Dead Tourists “Υγιείς” (Healthy) – LP/CD
4 tracks album (total time 33:55)
Released April 1, 2023
Order via Bandcamp or send us an e-mail
Free download via Archive

About this album (Greek)
The health coup of 2020 has imposed a series of unprecedented conditions: the mutation of human rights into privileges; the extension of digital surveillance on every facet of life; the transformation of the body from the ultimate property of the individual into a problematic biological construct that must be opened wide to state and biotechnological interventions. The initial concern that the new paradigm that was striving to be imposed was inspired by dystopian science fiction scenarios was soon transformed into the horror of the realization that the actual instruction manual of our time is 1984.

It was during this bleak three-year period of confinement, mandates and the establishment of a permanent state of emergency, that this album was recorded.

Recorded at Athens and Thessaloniki, 2020-2022
Mixing: Jean-Michel Perrenoud
Mastering: Tasos Karadedos at Stereotype Studio
Cover artwork: Christos Tsoleridis
“To χέρι που παίρνει” lyrics: Giannis G.
Label: 1000+1 Tilt in collaboration with Won Ton Records.

Read press release (Greek)

Σχετικα με το αλμπουμ “Υγιεις”


Το υγειονομικό πραξικόπημα του 2020 επέβαλε μια σειρά από πρωτόγνωρες συνθήκες: τη μετάλλαξη των δικαιωμάτων σε προνόμια∙ την επέκταση της ψηφιακής επιτήρησης σε όλο το εύρος της ζωής∙ τη μετατροπή του σώματος από έσχατη ιδιοκτησία του ατόμου σε μια προβληματική βιολογική κατασκευή που οφείλει να ανοιχτεί διάπλατα στις κρατικές και βιοτεχνολογικές παρεμβάσεις. Η αρχική ανησυχία πως το νέο παράδειγμα που πάσχιζε να επιβληθεί εμπνεόταν από δυστοπικά σενάρια επιστημονικής φαντασίας, μετουσιώθηκε σύντομα στον τρόμο της συνειδητοποίησης πως το εγχειρίδιο χρήσης της εποχής μας είναι το 1984.
Ήταν στο διάστημα αυτής της ζοφερής τριετίας, των εγκλεισμών, των υποχρεωτικοτήτων και του καθεστώτος εκτάκτου ανάγκης, που ηχογραφήθηκε το παρόν άλμπουμ.


Καλεσμα για αρνηση των υγειονομικων πιστοποιητικων σε μουσικες εκδηλωσεις

Δελτια Ρυπου
Όταν οι νότες χτίζουν τείχη, αντί να τα γκρεμίζουν, ας ευχηθούμε τη σιωπή

Και τώρα που τα χειρότερα -και εν μέρει πιο μπανάλ- σενάρια δυστοπιών επιστημονικής φαντασίας γίνονται απτή καθημερινότητα, που η ζωή γεμίζει με διαχωρισμούς, αποκλεισμούς, απαγορεύσεις, που καλούμαστε να παραδώσουμε όλο και περισσότερες ελευθερίες, τώρα είναι μάλλον η στιγμή είτε να μιλήσουμε, είτε να σιωπήσουμε για πάντα.

Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που ο καλλιτεχνικός κόσμος σιωπά μπροστά σε κάποιο σημαντικό πολιτικοκοινωνικό γεγονός, μπροστά σε κάποια νέα φρίκη. Εδώ και αρκετές δεκαετίες, η τέχνη γενικά αυτοϊκανοποιείται με την υπεραισθητικοποίηση της καθημερινής ζωής∙ έχει δεχτεί με ευχαρίστηση να είναι η λαμπερή συσκευασία της καπιταλιστικής καθημερινότητας. Στην καλύτερη, θα διατυπώσει ερωτήματα αφήνοντας, σαν κακομαθημένο παιδί, τις απαντήσεις στους ειδικούς της διαχείρισης της ζωής. Έχει, με άλλα λόγια, αρνηθεί το ρόλο της στο χτίσιμο αυτού του κόσμου. Ή, όπως τέθηκε με σαφήνεια (για τη νεολαία στην Ευρώπη) δεκαετίες πριν, “ανάμεσα στην παραφορά του έρωτα και την άνεση του αυτόματου σκουπιδοφάγου, επέλεξε τον αυτόματο σκουπιδοφάγο”.

Helicoide album reviews


THE ATTIC Staff Picks – March 2019

Millions of Dead Tourists are an intriguing music trio from Greece who ”uses and abuses synths, pedal effects, 2 bass guitars, laptop, sequencer.” Their second album, “Helicoide”, was released on the 1000+1Tilt label and bring into forefront 4 electronic pieces. An intense listening experience, walking through dark sound spheres reminiscent of early electro and evokes post-apocalyptic scenarios. Somehow, without any expressed activism, the sense of the protest is here and can be felt throughout the album. ”Recorded in Athens and Thessaloniki, January to March 2018, while both cities were being sold to airbnb.”


The name of this band is surely inspired by the punk band Million Of Dead Cops, I would think, and like that this band has a political side that is firmly on the left-wing side of the political spectrum. The band name is a response against what they call ‘Airbnb-ed cities’, but also they have a song called ‘Social Media As A Concentration Camp’ (inspired by Culturcide’s ‘Consider Museums As Concentration Camps’?) and a song about “one of the tragedies of our times is the colonization of the human imagination by economics”. The music is very far removed from the world of punk music, however. The line-up is Iason (electronics, which I believe are a synthesizer, such as the Yamaha CS20, Erebus, Nanozwerg, audiomulch) and Sotiris and Yiannis, who both play bass guitar and effects. One song has “vocals, lyrics and tapes” by Alyssa Moxley. I gather that still doesn’t say much about the music they play, which is an excellent form of electronic music, with lots of rhythm and lots of synthesizer sounds. The opener is a fine melodic piece of arpeggio’s synths, a steady fast rhythm out of a box and the two bass guitars playing along in a fine post-punk modus. ‘Nothing Is Possible’ is a much darker beast, with a more complex rhythm, many taped voices and vocals. A similar layer of voices is in the song ‘Social Media As A Concentration Camp’, but with the basses again driving the piece forward, synth locked down and slowly going into a multi-tone colour with the bass drum in mid-tempo ticking time away. In the final piece ‘The Long And Sufficiently Agonizing Death Of A Chicago Boy’ we find the group in their most experimental form, with the basses doing much of the work, going through various effects and the synths in a more supporting role. The sequencer decides upon a rhythm but it stays pretty abstract throughout the twelve minutes this piece lasts. It is the end of a much-varied disc, clocking in forty minutes, which is too short, I think. I understand the time constraint for this as it is also available on LP but I would not mind a bit more. All of this brought to you by the guy who brought you P.S. Stamps Back before, operating in a similar field of very leftfield techno music. The political message is there but not preached too much in the songs, which is a good thing I should think. (FdW)

SIDE-LINE Industrial electro music magazine

Genre/Influences: Experimental, electronics, industrial.

Background/Info: Millions Of Dead Tourists is a Greek formation, which has released their second album. “Helicoide” only features four tracks.

Content: The songs have been progressively built up, which partly explains why the songs are all going over 7/8 minutes. The tracks are bringing different influences together, which can be easily resume the sonic fusion between minimal- and experimental electro and industrial music. There’s a hostile sphere emerging from a few cuts while spooky, whispering voices are accentuating the mystery around this band and album. It’s not an easy thing to precisely define what this band is actually doing, but they clearly reveal to have a nose for intelligent music formats.

+ + + : I’ve been always fascinated by some minimalism in the composition. This approach has been mixed with haunting vocals and overwhelming, vibrating atmospheres. It’s not an easy job to define the real style of Helicoide, but in the end it’s easier to speak about a mixture of influences where electronics and bass guitar are coming together.

– – – : The recording and mixing could have been better –or more professional.

Conclusion: There are several great ideas running through this album, but Millions Of Dead Tourists has something unique and therefore fascinating.

Best songs: “Social Media As A Concentration Camp”.

Rate: (7)


Os Millions of Dead Tourists – trio oriundo da Grécia – formaram-se em abril de 2016, ano no qual lançaram o seu primeiro disco de estúdio homónimo, um documento composto por cinco temas a explorar os limites da música experimental com os campos da dark electronics. Três anos depois a banda regressa aos holofotes da música underground com o seu mais recente trabalho Helicoide, um disco de quatro longas faixas que incorpora os mais hipnóticos sons e ritmos condutores e capta, de forma imersiva, a atenção do ouvinte. Num registo baseado nas mesmas estruturas musicais que o seu antecessor, mas na formulação de um trabalho ainda mais enriquecido, os Millions of Dead Tourists apresentam-nos a sua eletrónica escura submersa em camadas condutoras.

Helicoide é ainda um trabalho que vai ainda além do seu resultado como produto sonoro. A banda afirma em press-release que este novo disco foi gravado nas cidades de Atenas e Salónica entre janeiro e março de 2018, enquanto ambos os lugares eram vendidos ao Airbnb. Avaliando o desígnio pelo o qual o projeto recorre para nomear o seu trabalho, encontra-se inerte, portanto, uma ténue crítica política e social, esta última inclusa na exploração dos temas que incorporam este novo registo. O disco abre com o tema homónimo “Helicoide” que nos apresenta a primeira interseção resultante entre os sons sintetizados em loop, os efeitos de pedais e uma dose de experimentação altamente narcótica. Através de um desenvolvimento moroso que abrange a introdução de cada vez mais elementos (incluindo os primeiros vocais), os Millions of Dead Tourists vão-nos mostrando uma interessante evolução relativamente às sonoridades que já nos tinham exposto no disco de estreia, com um som ainda mais aditivo.

Além da tradicional abordagem eletrónica, em Helicoide os Millions of Dead Tourists destacam ainda a sua veia influenciada no movimento kraut-rock sempre com o característico ponto de foco no baixo e na emulação de ritmos potentes que abordam os mais divergentes ambientes da música eletrónica de traços essencialmente negros. Se em temas como “Nothing is Possible” somos introduzidos a um ambiente soturno – onde o baixo nos conduz a um ambiente sonoro que consegue soar a industrial, fantasmagórico, sinistro e altamente dinâmico -; em “Social media as a concentration camp” somos absorvidos por um techno mais colorido com um ritmo altamente demarcado, ao mesmo tempo que somos confrontados com algumas ténues questões do foro social, descritas na nominação do próprio tema.

Antes de se despedir, o trio grego recorre ao tema final “The long and sufficiently agonizing death of a chicago boy”, que chega para abarcar o ouvinte a um porto de abrigo completamente divergente dos padrões de conforto a que este está habituado. Um ensaio sonoro que aporta um terreno explorativo entre os elementos da “avant-electronics”, dark ambient e o confronto existencialista de se ser humano. Difícil de consumir, mas altamente engenhoso do ponto de vista da produção e como produto final.

Através de um conjunto de quatro temas produzidos com recurso a sintetizadores, baixo e efeitos eletrónicos, os Millions of Dead Tourists constroem em Helicoide um disco com uma duração aproximada a 38 minutos, onde as suas experimentações eletrónicas conduzem a um efeito altamente imersivo. É quase tão instantâneo quanto o café solúvel. Ora experimentem a clicar no play.

Helicode está disponível nos formatos vinil e CD – este último com recurso a um packaging esteticamente apelativo.

Βολος 15/06/2019

Δελτια Ρυπου

“Δεδομένου ότι κανείς δεν πρόκειται να έρθει στο λάιβ μας διαβάζοντας το δελτίο ρύπου στο σάιτ μας, γιατί να μη γράφουμε τα δελτία ρύπου μετά τη συναυλία, που θα΄χουμε και πιο πολλά να πούμε;”

Επικρατούσε η διανοητική απαξίωση μιας πολύ ζεστής και πνιγηρή μέρας, έτσι το καταφανέστατα βλακώδες επιχείρημα του Ι. έγινε δεκτό απο τους έτερους MDT, με νωχελικά ανασηκώματα ώμων, το γνωστό “κάνε ό,τι θες, αρκεί να μη μας τα πρήζεις”, στην παγκόσμια ανθρώπινη γλώσσα.


Όπως και να το κάνει κανείς, το να παίζεις συναυλία σε μια πόλη που εξέλεξε για δήμαρχο ένα μαφιόζο δευτέρας διαλογής, για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη θητεία και απο τον πρώτο γύρο μάλιστα, είναι κάπως ντροπιαστικό. Η πόλη έχει ωστόσο πολλούς άλλους λόγους να ποδοπατήσει τον ψυχισμό σου.